Friday, October 3, 2008

Exterminator: To Get Rid of Bed Bugs, You Need a Professional - 8 Tips for Choosing the Right One


There is nothing to compare the feeling of disgust when you realize you have bed bugs. It is shocking and horrifying to find that these nasty little creatures have invaded the most private part of your home - your own bed – and are feeding off you. It is a feeling of such revulsion that you almost get sick to your stomach.

If you are like most people, the first thing you want to do is take matters into your own hands. You hit the Internet to find a way to get rid of bed bugs. But not just get rid of them. You want to kill them. Preferably, with your bare hands.

Unfortunately, bed bugs are very hard to kill. They multiply fast. They can hide in the narrowest of cracks. Their eggs are tiny and nearly invisible. Most victims suffer from bites for months before seeing a live bed bug. In other words, they are unlike any other insect pest you have faced before. You cannot just put out ant traps, spray some Raid, and get rid of them. I wish I could tell you that there is an easy way to kill bed bugs, but there is not.

You need a person who has experience in killing them, and chances are that person is not you. For all the hype on the Web about treating bed bugs yourself, your best bet is to hire a professional exterminator.

But finding the right one is tough. With so many pest control companies out there, how can you know which is the best one for you?

Here are 8 tips to help you separate the pros from the cons.

1. Get bids from at least three companies before making your choice

Try to get a feel for the pricing in your area. Prices vary by region, size of the infestation, number of rooms to treat, and other factors. But expect the initial bed bug treatment to cost at least several hundred dollars, with follow-ups costing somewhat less.

2. Ask about their bed bug experience

You want someone who knows how to kill bed bugs. If they have never treated bed bugs, that’s a bad sign. Experience is critical. The best companies have technicians who specialize solely in bed bugs.

3. Ask for references

Ask specifically for the names of people whose homes they have treated for bed bugs. Then follow up, and actually call those people.

4. Get the details of their treatment plan before they start, and get it in writing

Make sure they will give you detailed instructions about what to do before, during and after treatment. Ideally, your technician should give you information sheets on the chemicals that will be used, how they will be used, their risks, and so forth.

5. Make sure they have liability insurance

You want your exterminator to pay for any damage to your home, as well as to cover injury that their technicians might suffer at your home.

6. Ask about their guarantee

This isn’t a deal breaker, because when treating bed bugs, some places won’t offer one. But your exterminator offers a guarantee, you've found a winner.

7. Make sure the company is licensed to operate in your area

Ask to see their pest control license, or check with your local regulatory agency.

8. Check (or ask for) recommendations on the bed bug forums, blogs and message boards

There are many experienced people who frequent these sites and they are willing to share their experiences.

Killing bed bugs is like fighting a war, and you need the best ally you can find. A properly trained pest control professional will know how to get rid of bed bugs quickly and effectively, so you finally get a good night's sleep again.