Bed bugs have to be one of the nastiest little critters around, the thought of a bug living in the vicinity of my room and drinking my blood for breakfast, lunch and dinner gives me the willies. Discovering the best bed bug treatment for your bed bug problem can vary from situation to situation. You might have an infestation or the starting of one, either way your goal should be to get rid of bed bugs before your house is crawling in them.
How do I know if I have them?
If you have little red bug bites on your body it can be hard to distinguish if they were causes by bed bugs Exterminatoror other blood suckers like misquotes. Some tell tale signs that you have bed bugs are:
•The bite mark has a linear path close to the skin
•You're finding blackish reddish facial matter around the bed (make sure to check the crease of the mattress as this is a favored spot.)
•You have noticed house centipedes and fire ants in your house (they feed on bed bugs)
Get rid of bed bugs
The process of bed bug extermination can be very expensive. The exterminator not only has to spray the site in which bed bugs were found but up to 100 feet away. Bed bugs will travel up to 100 feet in search of food. The extermination process can last up to a month as more than one session will be needed to eliminate the pests.
You need to make sure that all items in and around the infected area are cleaned thoroughly. Clean all items with an insecticide, wash any comforters or soiled garments in hot water and dry on the hottest setting. Bed bugs can't life in very hot or very cold temperatures, wash everything in hot water to make sure there are no bed bugs left.
If you noticed bite marks on your skin after sleeping or suspect you may have bed bugs DO NOT hold off in eliminating them. Infestations can happen very quickly, some people didn't even know they were allergic to bed bugs until it was too late. Don't suffer or be embarrassed as many people have this problem and have found relief HERE Learn how you can quickly and easily get rid of bed bugs FOREVER. Bed bugs are very common in HOTEL rooms, learn how to protect yourself when traveling.
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